Adding Articles to a Featured Article Section

The new Blueprint template provides accounts with the ability to display a banner of articles on a web page, also known as a Featured Article Section. This means that important or relevant articles can be easily found by people viewing the website.

PLEASE NOTE: Adding articles to a web page requires that a Featured Article Section has been setup and linked to a page on your website. If you are unsure whether a Featured Article Section has been setup, please send an email to [email protected].

To add an article to the Featured Article Section, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your Control Centre and select the Content menu tab.
  2. Once expanded, select Articles.
  3. Search for the article you would like to link using the search bar or select the New Article button to start fresh.
  4. If you are linking an existing article, select the Title of the article.
  5. Select the Edit Article button.
  6. Apply the Article Section tag in the Tags field.
    Note: If your website is using multiple article sections, there will be a unique tag linking each of them to a specific page. Make sure you are selecting the tag appropriate to the page you would like the article to appear on.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Refresh your website to ensure that the article is displaying correctly.

Handy Hints

To ensure your website article looks professional, we recommend that the following article fields are filled in:

  • Title: Heading of the web article.
  • Article Content: The content to read once the article has been clicked.
  • Article Summary: This appears in the Article Section to summarise what the article will be about before it is clicked.
  • Supporting Files: We recommend adding an image to the Feature Image: This will display as a thumbnail for your article to make it more eye catching.

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