Setting up a Mega Menu
The large menu works in a slightly different fashion to the regular menu structure. There are two main sections for navigation separated by the feature image. On the left is the Featured pages and on the right is the Standard pages. In order to differentiate child pages as a Feature page or a Standard page, […]
SZapp Content Management
The following will guide you through the process for Tile Management and Group Management on SZapp.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Populating your Stream
The SchoolzinePlus system allows you to easily create articles and events to populate your Stream. You can then collate this content at a later date, to send to your community in a newsletter.
For more information, please read the following article.
Control Centre Access
Please be aware that Internet Explorer is an unsupported browser. If you are using Internet Explorer to log into your Control Centre you may notice limited functionality or unavailable features. To be able to use the full functionality of the Control Centre you will need to update your browser to a HTML5 supported browser. We recommend […]
Managing Your Bookings
The following will guide you through the process for Managing your Bookings. For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Newsletter Statistics
Email Statistics Every sent email has in depth statistics showing open rates. Access these Statistics by following the steps below: Log in to your Control Centre and select the Communicate menu tab. Once expanded, select View Messages. Click on the Message Name of the email to view the Statistics. Note: The open rates for the […]
Printing the Calendar
The following will guide you through the process of printing your Calendar.
For more information, please read the following article.
Creating a Poll
The following will guide you through the process for setting up a Poll in the Schoolzine Control Centre.
For more information, please read the following article.
Increasing Community Engagement

As a Schoolzine customer, you want to make sure that your newsletters and communications are being read by as many people as possible, and that they are engaging with your content. To assist you in maintaining or increasing your engagement rates, we’ve put together some top tips: Ensure your contact list is up to […]
Adding content or submitting feedback for your Schoolzine website
The following guide will show you the ways to Add content or submit feedback for your Schoolzine website
For more information, please read the following article.
Submitting your First Round of Content for your Schoolzine website
The following article will provide you with information for Submitting your First Round of Website Content Files.
To view the guide, please view the following article.
Adding Events to your O365 Calendar
If you have established a sync between an Office365 Calendar and your Schoolzine Calendar, follow the below instructions to add events. Firstly, login to your Office365 Calendar via the Login Page. Once you have signed in, select the applicable Calendar from the left-hand side pane then double-click on a date to begin adding an Event. […]