The new Blueprint template provides accounts with the ability to display a banner of articles on a web page, also known as the Featured Articles. This means that important or relevant articles can be easily found by people viewing the website.
To create a Featured Article Section, you will need to insert the following code into a Content Holder and link this to the web page you wish the articles to appear on:
{! streamzine_preview_blueprint;1;web_article !}

PLEASE NOTE: When pasting this text into your Content Holder, highlight it and select the Clear Formatting icon in your toolbar to ensure it works correctly.
Handy Hints
It is possible to change the layout of your Featured Articles section by amending the code slightly.
By adding a number between 1 and 5 after the word “blueprint” in the above code, you can select which layout the Article Section is going to use.
Example: {! streamzine_preview_blueprint5;1;web_article !}
It is also possible to create more than one Featured Article section for groups of articles you would like displayed on different pages. Each section you make will need to use a unique tag to tell the linked articles where they are meant to display. In this instance, you would need to replace the default article_section with the relevant tag value for your chosen Featured Article Section.
Example: {! streamzine_preview_blueprint5;1;tag_value !}
PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you are using the tag value and not the display name. The tag value can be found by going to Settings > Manage Tags and editing the tag you wish to use. Copy the text from the Tag Value field to ensure it is accurate.
Once you have finished customising your code, it can be pasted into the text section of your Content Holder. When the code is added, the Content Holder will appear blank until the tag has been added to an article.