Schoolzine has preset Email Templates to allow you to send out your Newsletters (to automatically populate a link to your Schoolzine eNewsletters), Newsflashes (for general Email Communications), as well as a Quicksend email template.
These templates are populated with ‘Wildcards’ to pull account details from your Account Settings section, user database, or prior steps during the campaign construction and are found by looking for content surrounded by %%.
“%%__email_subject__%%” for example will populate with the ‘email subject’ as populated in a prior step. When you are contructing your communications it is recommended that you are not adjusting these or the spelling/wording as removing or changing of these values could cause the code to display on your email send, rather than pulling in the desired field.
For simple changes such as the Principal Name, Principal Title, Website Address, Email details that displays or the phone number on the email, these can be adjusted using the account settings section of your account.
If you are requiring additional templates or significant updates to your Email Templates, we recommend emailing [email protected] to discuss your options.